Learning How to Suture the Proper Way

Medical students are often tasked with practicing skills that don't exactly lend themselves to everyday life. Suturing is one of those skills. There is scarcely a medical student alive that hasn't been in a class where they were required to learn a skill that required extensive practice, both in and out of the classroom. This has often caused many of them to ponder the different ways that they could potentially practice their skills. After all, it's not exactly like you can pull a family member aside and practice suturing on an arm or a leg. Therefore, students have had to get creative over the years.


In the past, practicing suturing skills has included everything from looking at information online to cutting open and then stitching up pieces of chicken in an attempt to come as close as possible to the texture and consistency of human flesh. The problem is that chicken really isn't all that similar to human flesh at all. Any person that is ever cooked a chicken knows that when it's not frozen as hard as a rock, it is so slimy and slippery that it's almost impossible to hold on too long enough to cut it for cooking, much less to create a very precise incision that will then be sutured up just as precisely. In reality, it's enough to drive almost any individual completely mad. Fortunately, there are different ways of doing things these days that don't involve spending a fortune at the grocery store only to end up tearing one's hair out.


The good news is that it is now possible to practice suturing by purchasing a suturing kit that comes complete with the scalpel, various sizes of needle and thread, and a medium on which to practice that very closely mimics human skin. It is available from Artagia and it has quickly become one of the most effective ways of practicing suturing skills for medical students at various levels. It also takes much of the anxiety out of the entire process, thereby making it easier for students to practice more frequently. Anybody that has been through medical school knows that a great deal of effort has to be put into succeeding. Learning how to suture is no different. It requires a lot of time and effort outside of the classroom, so it's imperative that students find something that works well for them.


There are a lot of reasons that the use of a suturing kit like this works better than chicken or virtually anything else. For one thing, it's more economical. More importantly, it's far more sanitary. In addition, it doesn't require endless trips to the supermarket or spending late-night hours in the kitchen making a mess all over every surface there. As a result, people learn how to suture more effectively and in less time. In short, they become more skilled at what they do. For anyone that is concerned about the initial purchase price of such kits, it's actually far more economical to purchase the kit than it is to purchase countless numbers of chickens or anything else, for that matter. While it may not seem more economical in the beginning, it’s likely because you aren't thinking about how many times you will have to repeat the process of buying something to suture. In the end, the kit really is the best way to go. It's easier to use and it makes it much more likely that students will practice more frequently. No one wants to do anything frequently if it's a hassle, and the use of this kit takes the hassle out of suturing. That's precisely why it's so effective as a learning tool.